Colin Armstrong in St. Petersburg

Welcome to St. Petersburg, Russia! Please enjoy my posts from this beautiful city, as I strive to research my dissertation in 18th-Century Russian sacred choral music.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Great day today!

Well, I am getting exactly what I came here for.....actual scores of 18th-century Russian sacred choral compositions. The time I spent at RGIA (Russian State Historical Archives) was not overly helpful. Luckily that was only two days.

Yesterday, once I confirmed that Archive only has 19th-century materials, I decided to hit the Academic Cappella earlier than anticipated. I was a little nervous I would run into the same (or worse) red tape as RGIA. In fact, I had to fill out no paperwork and answer almost no questions. Security went up to fetch the choral librarian for me and she (the wonderful Irina Grigoriova!) brought me back up to the library (one small room just off of the concert hall) and began pulling scores for me! She made me some photocopies of the older, more fragile scores - which she presented as a gift. She then lent me another 15 scores to photocopy (there's a copy centre a few blocks from my hotel) and bring back. Cue the choir of angels

Aside from that, I enjoyed my walk alongside the Winter Palace (took more pics), had a delightful bean/potato soup (garnished with fresh dill!) and returned to Nevsky where I bought a CD of Chesnikov works for men's choir. A quick wander through Gostiny Dvor department store (also where I take the metro back to my station) to check out men's shirts and shoes. I might be buying a few things. Who knew......Colin go shopping?!? So hard to believe!

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